Beyond the Surface: The Photograph as Object

In January, I was invited to participate in an exhibition curated by Aline Smithson, called Beyond the Surface: The Photograph as Object at Cal Poly's University Art Gallery. The exhibition was in response to the loss of evidence of the artist's hand and how many artists are reconsidering the potential of an image with a move towards making rather than taking photographs. Six images from the Descendants series were showcased.

The exhibition featured work from: Diane Meyer, Christopher Russell, Sandra Klein, Joe Rudko, Adriene Hughes, K.K. DePaul, JP Terlizzi, Marina Font, Liz Steketee, Bootsy Holler, and Natalie Obermaier.

It was nice to be able to get away from the cold of NYC and visit Central California. Educator and artist Lana Caplan, welcomed us with open arms to Cal Poly. The opening was attended by roughly 150 people and each of the artists that attended spoke about their work, inspirations and motivations. The next day we worked with the students from the photography department and conducted portfolio reviews of their work which was in itself rewarding and a beautiful experience.
